Tuesday, January 16, 2007

from the Niger delta to Nairobi

As you probably know there are participants from all around the world at the Global greens conference, some of them from Nigeria. We were discussing today about the niger delta and the necessity of linking among organisations.... the conference was quite interesting today.
We listened to Ann Luehrmann, the youngest member of the Parliament in the world... She was elected to the German Parliament with the age of 19....

I made some remarks about the importance of think globally act locally...and made good comments about the people who spend their time going around conferences , they call them " conference hopers" hoping to attend a conference, but in reality doing very little at local level...
there were many country presentations today... we had some discussions about the role of the GYG and the future. It is quite hot, but very enjoyable...

I am helping quite a lot with the program of the conference. I have the idea of having an special form for TAKING Minutes, which work quite well.

I will continue with the stories hopefully tomorrow... It is interesting to be able to exchange experiences from green people from all around the world...

I will deliver two workshops on Thursday, one on fairtrade and the other on interview skills...

I am doing some recording. I have a very good interview with one of the representatives of the Philipines Green Party, which is called Partido..He explain about the importance of having links to the local communities, about the difference of being an environmentalist or being green...

I am having a chat with Murtala, from the Nigerial Young greens... green activist and campaigner as well involved in gender and education development issues.

the discussion in the afternoon went quite well..

from Nairobi, Kenya

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