Sunday, January 14, 2007

visit to the Sports stadium-World Social Forum venue Kasarani outside Nairobi

Estimados lectores,

mi primer dia en Kenya ha sido alucinante hasta ahora.
He conocido a nueva gente tanto de Kenya como de otros paises y he podido conocer un poquito, algo asi como saborear, un pais, del que hacía tiempo habia soñado de visitar.

Como escribí en el blog anterior recibí ayer un email del coordinador de voluntarios del Forum Social Mundial invitándome a participar de un día de entrenamiento antes del Forum. Para aquellos que no saben mucho sobre el Forum Social Mundial, éste es un encuentro mundial de comunidades de base, activistas, grupos de locales que buscan cambiar las políticas en el area social, de medio ambiente y en otras áreas desafiando las políticas neoliberales, buscando alternativas sostenibles y en general buscando que se oigan las voces de los pueblos del Sur.

Éste va a ser el tercer forum social mundial en el que estoy participando después de haber participado en Porto Alegre en el 2003 y en el 2005.
El Forum Social mundial ha sido descrito como un encuentro de la ciudadanía global y el principal lema ha sido "Otro mundo es posible".

El tiempo hoy ha sido muy caluroso, más de 25 grados y no ha llovido. He encontrado con algunos de los voluntarios, tales como Marie de Montreal, Andrew ( productor de cine que vive en Brighton), Mijail ( estudiante boliviano que pertenece a Pachamama, un grupo ecologista con sede en Cochabamba), Emanuelle ( de la Universidad de Turin, realizando un estudio sobre temas de género y participación de las mujeres a nivel local, Amy de Nueva York ( que trabaja en temsa de agricultura orgánica y plantando árboles y Sihnae de Korea del Sur.

Todos los arriba descrito nos encontramos esperando al coordinador de Kenya y finalmente nos llevaron al Estadio de Deportes de Nairobi donde va a realizarse el Forum Social Mundial. Esperan más de 100.000 participantes. Estaré de voluntaria en el área de intérprete y traducción.

Encontré tambien un grupo de voluntarios africanos de países como Uganda, Kenya e Costa de Marfil.

Nos dieron una vuelta por el estadio. Los voluntarios locales recibiran un total de 500 shilling diarios, que son como 10 Euros.

Ya de vuelta a la ciudad regresamos en un transporte local llamado "matato" que me recordaba mucho a las camionetas de Guatemala solamente que no van tan rápido.

Hasta ahora en general la gente ha sido de lo más amable y servicial

De cualquier manera continuando...
a la vuelta de la visita al estadio de Deportes vimos pasar una camioneta con gente de la India, con un lema algo así como acabar con el analfabetismo, educación para todos.

Recordar que mañana me mudaré de donde estoy ahora en el Backpackers hostel a el MF Hostel, un campamento donde va a tener lugar el
Global Young greens, encuentro de Verdes Globales.

El Forum Social mundial así como el Encuentro de los verdes globales han sido las principales motivaciones para venir a Kenya en Enero del 2007.

Más información sobre el forum

Algunas fotos del estadio de deportes

así como del proyecto

Jóvenes Verdes Mundiales

Hasta la próxima...
Dear readers,

my real first day in Kenya has been amazing so far.
I met lots of new people Kenyan and from other countries and I had the taste of a country I was dreaming to visit for long time....

As I wrote in my previous log I received an email from the World Social forum volunteering coordinator yesterday inviting me to attend a volunteer training type of preparation for the world social forum. For the ones who don't know about it the World Social Forum is one of the biggest global gathering of grassroots organisation, NGO's, activist and local groups looking to change social, environmental and other current policies challenging neoliberalism, looking for sustainable alternatives and in general claiming to listen to the voice from the People from the South. This is the third World Social Forum I am attending so far, after the WSF in 2003 and 2005 both in Porto Alegre. The World Social Forum has been described as a "Global Civil Society gathering". The main slogan has been so far "Another world is possible"

The weather today was very hot, more 25 degrees and It did not rain so far.
I met some of the volunteers, Marie from Montreal, Andrew ( film maker living in Brighton) Mijail ( from an Ecological group in Cochabamba), Emmanuelle from the University of Torino in Italy making research on gender issues and women participation at local level, Amy from New York( involved in organic farming and tree planting and Sihnae from South Korea involved an environmental NGO organisation.

All of us were waiting for the Kenyan coordinators and finally got a lift to the Sports stadium where the World Social Forum will be taking place from the 20th to the 25th...

The organisers are expecting more than 100.000 participants from around the world.I will be in the interpreting/translation team working volunteering mainly through simultaneous interpreting...

I met some of the local volunteers involved in the Media and newsletter as well as some other African volunteers from Uganda, Tanzania and Yvory Coast.

We had a look at the Youth Camp and walk around everywhere.
Kenyan volunteers will get an allowance of 500 shillings, approximately 10 euros per day to cover transport and food.

There will be different areas for volunteering such as welcoming "ashas", logistics, security, recording and documenting the workshop, special needs and obviously information desk. The weather is currently very warm, comparing to the weather in Ireland a real change.

We make our way back into town with a "matato" local small van, similar to the ones in Guatemala, but driving not as fast.

For the opening of the WSF there is going to be a procession from Kibera, the biggest "asentamiento" or shanty town in the region. They don't like to call it like this. It seems that some caravans from Uganda, and Tanzania will join the procession. At the opening open to everybody will participate more than 500.000 people.

So far I enjoy Nairobi very much. People are very friendly, interesting in knowing where I live, and in general very polite.

When we were travelling in the masaton van, we saw a group of people from India who were in a car, having a type of fundraising celebration... "to finish with the iliteracy rate"said the slogan...

Everywhere you go there are many people offering and giving you leaflefts about safaries.

So far I am planning to visit the Nairobi National park as well the Karen Blixen Museum, named after the heroine of Out of Africa.
Memorias de Africa.
More information about the World Social Forum

Tomorrow I will be moving out from the Backpackers Hostel and I will go to the M.F Hostel to stay at the youth camp of the Global Young Greens.

The participation at the Global young greens gathering as well as at the world social forum, has been the main motivation to come to Kenya in January 2007.

I will presenting some workshops on the issues of Fair trade and interview skills next Thursday... until the next blog goodbye...

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